AI Consumers

Now that we have AI generated content, all we need are AI consumers of that content, and SkyNet won’t need us at all.

Time to vote out the status quo


When will we regulate weapons in the US? No one needs more than a revolver, or a bolt or lever-action rifle. I’d gladly turn in my automatic pistol (a .22 by the way). There’s no need for weapons of war in a peaceful society. How many children need to die before we make some changes? I’ll not vote for anyone who doesn’t advocate gun control. Enough is enough.

modern work ethic

Millennials and Gen Z:

We want to be told what to do. Except when it’s something we don’t want to do.

10 Dead in Boulder

10 dead by a lone shooter with a rifle, in a grocery store. But we don’t need no stinking gun control. These occurrences are weekly. We’re numb to it. WTF?

Flag’s Up

We stopped displaying the flag 4 years ago. I had this new one, which had flown over the Capitol in the Reagan era (an estate sale find). It looks good there again.

This is not America

Unbelievable events I never thought I would see in America. There will be bloodshed. It’s all because of one man, a huckster, a moron, anyone who grew up on the East coast in the 70s and 80s knows him to be nothing more than a carnival barker, a boaster, a liar. How this was allowed to continue for 4 years is beyond me. We reap what we sow.

J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press

One Star Review: 2020

2020, if I could give you zero stars, I would. Or like negative 5, because honestly, you have sucked out loud. Started out OK, we went out, we saw friends, winter started to wane towards spring. Then, you hit us with a plague. Now it’s scary to go to the grocery store, we never see anyone, and watch TV way too much. Our “leaders” have taken us down a hole hole so deep it may take decades to climb out. There may no longer be something called a “restaurant”, as many of them can’t weather through this.

I miss my friends. I miss my kids, and my grandkids. Thankfully, I can still work, as I did that from home anyway. But it’s stressful and I feel uncertain.

There have been shittier years, I’m sure, but this seems endless. So, all in all, you suck 2020.

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

Here we are, in a second week of isolation, now enforced by the State of Colorado, uncertain how we will persevere should this last much longer.

I’m terrified, and and wonder how we’ve ended up in a dystopian end-times novel, or movie — except this is real. As of this moment, more than 32,000 1,000,000 people are dead worldwide, and it seems to increase exponentially by the day.

The response in the United States has been woefully inadequate. The sociopathic narcissist-in-chief has gone from denial, to forced capitulation — but still daily voices half-truths and outright lies, when what we need is a tranquil, reserved, authoritative voice to calm our fears and assure us that we’ll get to the other side. Sadly, all we receive is bluster and derision, as we huddle in our homes full of anxiety about our imminent demise.

I’m lucky. I already work from home, and that continues as though nothing has changed. I walk the dog, as normal, although the streets are strangely vacant, there are no contrails of aircraft overhead, and vehicle traffic is minimal. Other pedestrians (the few) wave hesitantly from the opposite side of the street, in some strange solidarity of self-isolation and fear. It’s surreal. Many are out of work, I’m sure — many more will be in the weeks to come, and it makes us wonder re: further stratification between haves and have-nots. Case in point, background checks for gun purchases have doubled in Colorado, tripled in Florida, and the FBI has stated they are “working to maintain their services“. In Colorado, the backlog means sales may go through without a check, as the law requires them to be processed within 3 days, or the dealer can legally go through with the purchase. Who is buying all these guns, and for what purpose, is the question.

I don’t know how this plays out. Things certainly won’t get back to “normal”. There’s already a devastating economic, social, and health impact across the globe. Because older people seem to be more vulnerable, there are vicious hashtags like #BoomerEraser being perpetuated across social media (which is the least social of media), and idiot politicians argue that senior citizens should be willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. I’d argue that our ‘leaders’ have failed us, but I’m willing to go out if they do it first. Maybe that’s what all the guns are for.